Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday night, wood fire going, I am surfing the internet thinking about something to write.  What is important in my life.  My family, my work, my church.  My family is doing well.  My work after a year is in transition.  My service at church continues as it has for the last 35 years.  All good things.  I am grateful for my blessings.  I am sad that so many people seem to be searching and not finding some peace and contentment.  I say give it to the Lord.  Not some entertainment feelgood for a moment capture your excitement and money but leave you without knowing your source event.  But the real thing.  Your source of life. The creator of all that is.  I happen to believe that Jesus Christ is the bridge from human life to the all knowing God.  So my preference is to give my life to God as Jesus taught us.  The Lords prayer is a good place to start.    Go to your room, sit quietly and give your life to God don't look for someone to pat you on the back or give you encouragement. Just do it. everyday.  You will begin to see when God is directing you and driving the bus and when you are.  Continue to give it to God and you will be amazed.  God is real, God is not some idea created to ease our pain. God is....the alpha and the omega.    Praise be to God Always.

Now.... that being said.  the other thing that happens when Jesus is in your life is that you learn to live again. Love your neighbor and friends, Love your enemys.

Just over a year in my new job and I am enjoying the challenge.  I can only say that I wish I had started working for this company years ago.  They have great values and a solid mission to encourage and promote health in both their employees and members.  Looking forward to my career blossoming.  I wish a happy holiday season to all.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ramblings about God

Saturday night, wood fire going, I am surfing the internet thinking about something to write.  What is important in my life.  My family, my work, my church.  My family is doing well.  My work is in transtion.  My service at church continues as it has for the last 35 years.  All good things.  I am grateful for my blessings.  I am sad that so many people seem to be searching and not finding some peace and contentment.  I say give it to the Lord.  Not some entertainment feelgood for a moment capture your excitement and money but leave you without knowing your source event.  But the real thing.  Your source of life. The creator of all that is.  I happen to believe that Jesus Christ is the bridge from human life to the all knowing God.  So my preference is to give my life to God as Jesus taught us.  The Lords prayer is a good place to start.    Go to your room, sit quietly and give your life to God don't look for someone to pat you on the back or give you encouragement. Just do it. everyday.  You will begin to see when God is directing you and driving the bus and when you are.  Continue to give it to God and you will be amazed.  God is real, God is not some idea created to ease our pain. God is....the alpha and the omega.    Praise be to God Always.

Now.... that being said.  the other thing that happens when Jesus is in your life is that you learn to live again. Love your neighbor and friends, Love your enemys.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

One year Anniversary of being Ordained a Subdeacon

Tomorrow, October 24 is my 1 year anniversary of becoming ordained as a subdeacon.  It has been a very interesting first year.  Getting used to my new role at church and in life.  While, the subdeaconate is a minor order, it remains a calling from God and an invitation to be transformed.  Some of the changes have been subtle, others very profound.  The call from God is irrevokable.

I have had some doubts over the past year, but they were fleeting.  I ask God to keep me in touch with my own continuous improvement path as I care for my family, the clients I serve as a rehabilitation counselor and God's people and his church.  I am truely grateful.  Pray for me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Patriarch of the Maronite Catholic Church worldwide has been visiting the United States since October 1, 2011.  As an American born, English/Scottish descent Maronite, I have found myself in awe of this visit. I am sad I could not get the time away from work to meet him, but many of my fellow Maronites have had the great privledge of meeting him and attending a Divine Liturgy he celebrated.  I can only hope his leadership can bring peace to the middle east which will help other Christians there as well.  May the Lord Bless his leadership and efforts at peace in the middle east, so all can live again without the danger of an unjust war.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Recently I was interviewed on a college radio station at the University of Southern Maine as the first guest in a series called Talk of Faith.   The host asked  me  questions about my experience as a subdeacon in the Maronite Church. I spoke from the heart and hope that my comments were taken the way they were meant.    I enjoyed the interview and wanted to share. This interview was done as an individual who is just beginning to learn about how to be a disciple of Christ, in a Maronite way. For me it combines my interest in eastern thought related to both contemplation and personal responsibility with western opportunity to serve as a professional in my work, and a minister in the church. Pray for me.

here is the link!

you will need Quicktime to listen to this series.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It is saturday on a summer day in Maine. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and it is wonderful to be alive.  Spent the morning reading a good book, did some chores, now getting ready to serve the Divine Liturgy at St Joseph Maronite Church. The Liturgy is still said on hot days. I imagine the monks and priests in the wool cassocks and vestments being much more uncomfortable in the early church.

Settling in with a simpler life. Working from home in my new job. Learning that solitude can be very illuminating. Still serving my Church and supporting my family.  Writing some and praying alot.

I hope and pray that the political leaders of the world will allow forgiveness to rule as they negotiate their power and decisions. There is a life beyond what w see here and secret or deceptive negotiations will eventually return two fold in other ways.  This gridlock in Washington DC needs to be broken for the good of all people, not on the backs of the disabled and elderly.  Our government did the right thing when they prevented the collapse of our financial markets in 2008. Maybe they should remember that when they are asked to pay their fair share of taxes.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

In the Midst of Lent

We had a two day retreat this week. Tuesday and Wednesday nights at St Joseph Maronite Church.  I shared some thoughts about monastic prayer, Maronite History and Spirituality.  Fr Larry "Aboona" Jensen helped my presentation by filling in with his pastoral overview.  I was greatly appreciative of his contribution.  We all had a great time and I hope those who attended were spiritualy uplifted. Praise be to God always or PBTGA for short.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Guilt was the Old message, Insight is the NEW

Listening to my pastor in Church today I gained a feeling of relief as he explained what the Church teaches about the choices we make and how eventually we will be held accountable by God. I felt relieved because I realized that I have matured to a place where I think about the consequences of my choices beyond immediate gratification most if not all the time.    I became sad for a moment because I thought about the people I have met over the years who made jokes about growing up Catholic and feeling perpetually guilty about their sins and being a "recovering catholic". It saddens me because I am a convert.  I love the Church, and the Priests I have met and the Liturgy.  So I can't quite relate to or understand their perspective.    They percieved correction in a punitive way rather than as a fact of life. But we are mature adults now.  We like to correct our errors of living.  We, in most cases will live longer on this earth, and... we will live a better life.    If someone tells you that you have a spot on your face, you don't feel guilty, you immediately wash your face.  Somehow our culture has villified being corrected.  Now it seems that anything is OK.  It is a free country they say so let me be who and what I am going to be.   If a child is going to hurt themselves by doing something dangerous we as adults do not hesitate to stop them.  But as adults we do not want to be told what to do.  Even if we are unaware that our behavior may be destructive.   I don't know about you, but I want all the help I can get.   So I listen without judgment, I discern if the message pertains to me, I willingly and gratefully make every attempt to make amends or correct the error.  No guilt, just action. Amen.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Maronite Learning

The Maronite Catholic approach to faith stems from a monastic tradition and is in communion with Rome. This blog has been created to share my journey of faith and to offer some information which I hope will promote understanding and even forgiveness to those who are confused or even angry with what "they think" the Church has become. I was ordained as a subdeacon in October of 2010 and provide this information as part of my ministry.
A subdeacon is a minor order clergyman, who in the early church served as the liaison or bridge between the Church and the secular community. Subdeacon’s, theoretically at least, have understanding of both realms and can translate confusing or unclear information to promote clairity. A language translator serves a similar purpose in transactions or interpersonal communication by conveying the meaning of words, phrasing so there is clarity and understanding.
This information is offered in faith to all who are interested in truely understanding what giving your life to Jesus Christ means.  More than just an idea or good feeling but a leap of faith that Jesus is the source of life on this earth.  That being said in English means different things to different people.  So... before you judge, or jump for joy, pray. Using a monastic practice just quietly pray alone in your room ask Jesus to enter your life. Find a work or scriptural phrase that promotes that choice.  Do this daily and watch what happens. Tell noone at first. Just make the choices Jesus directs you to make.  You will be amazed.  And remember, we all have different talents, before you quit your job, move into a monestary and give up all your worldly things, just sit with Jesus in prayer. Then find a Catholic Church to partake of the Eucharist with other Christians.  Keep earning a living and supporting your family, they are a gift of God. And keep praying.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

I am looking forward to the new Year... seems like only yesterday it was 1970 and I was graduating from High School. Oh what a life. Wishing all my friends and family a happy new year. May you be at peace with yourself and your neighbor.