My heart aches for the families and community in Newton, CT. It is a tragedy that is so painful. I find my self grieving much more in these times.
This of course is so close to home that the pain exceeds my empathy for those
who suffer around the world. This can be
a painful reminder that death and
destruction has been happening in the Middle East and elsewhere continuously
for years. We must not let this pain
fail to teach us of the pain of others and carry it to all our action. Peace on Earth and Good will to all..... Every parent in Afghanistan whose innocent
children or family members die from drone attacks, or others who have been
victims of terrorism. They feel the pain
we all feel now. After our grieving when we all go back to our lives, and the
pain becomes a distant memory, let us not forget those who suffer around the
I pray that our human condition will be released from
these destructive forces and the Peace of Christ will touch us all.